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LocationSearchSource Fields

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The LocationSearchSource type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGeocodingPriority
The default priority value to use for geocoding operations.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPoiPriority
The default priority value to use for POI searches.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultRelativePoiPriority
The default prioriy value to use for POI searches that are relative to a certain location, e.g. in Aliso Viejo.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultReverseGeocodingPriority
The default priority value to use for reverse geocode operations.
Public fieldStatic memberMaximumPriority
The maximum priority value to use for search operations.
Public fieldStatic memberPriorityToStartRemoteSources
The priority level at which remote operations are started. Sources with higher priority should be extremely quick and exclude further sources when they find results. This avoids the need to begin costly network requests when we can quickly determine that they are not needed.
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