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AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion Class

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AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion objects represent potential matches produced by the AutocompleteGeocoder in response to a search string. These correspond to either street addresses or regions (e.g. Cities, States) contained in the GBFS data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding
Assembly: (in Version:
public class AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion : ISearchSuggestion

The AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion type exposes the following members.

Public methodAutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion
Initializes a new instance of the AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion class
Public propertyAddress
Get the address corresponding to this suggestion, for example for use with AddressFormatter.
Public propertyAddressConvention
Indicates whether the address conventions in the country of the suggested street/region place the street number before the street name (e.g. "20 Enterprise"), or after the street name (e.g. "Ave. Santa Fe 94").
Public propertyBoundingBox
The bounding box of a region. This field will only be populated for region suggestions; for other suggestions, this will return null.
Public propertyConfidence
The AutocompleteGeocoder's confidence in the result. The confidence is a decimal number between 0 and 1, with 1 representing the highest confidence. This confidence is not comparable to confidence values provided by other geocoders.
Public propertyCountry
The country of the suggested street/region.
Public propertyFormattedAddress
The address for the suggestion, excluding the country, formatted using the AddressFormatter.
Public propertyFormattedAddressWithCountry
The address for the suggestion, including the country, formatted using the AddressFormatter.
Public propertyIntersection
A LatLon representing the point where the address connects with the street network. This location is preferred over Location when reverse geocoding. May be set to Empty if the suggestion has no single location.
Public propertyIsCity
Indicates whether the suggestion is a city.
Public propertyIsMileMarker
Indicates whether the suggestion is a MileMarker.
Public propertyIsRegion
Indicates whether the suggestion is a region address. If this is false, the suggestion will be a street or postcode address.
Public propertyIsStreetNameOnly
Indicates whether a street suggestion is a street-name-only result, as opposed to full street address suggestion. This will always return false. It is kept for backwards-compatibility only.
Public propertyIsSuburb
Indicates whether the suggestion is a suburb.
Public propertyLocation
The display location of the suggestion. This is offset from the street for street suggestions, and is not suitable for reverse geocoding; use Intersection instead for this purpose. This field is guaranteed to be populated. For region suggestions, this may return a representative location or the center of the region's bounding box if no location is set in the data.
Public propertyMileMarkerDistance
Gives the MileMarker distance from the start of a highway. Only valid if IsMileMarker is true.
Public propertyName
The name of the region or street. For a region result, this will return only the most specific region matched.
Public propertyPostCode
The post or zip code for this suggestion. Set to null for region results or where the post code is ambiguous (for example, if there are multiple post codes for a street).
Public propertyRegionLevel
The RegionLevel of the suggestion, if it is a region address. 0 indicates a city. Increasingly positive values indicate progressively less specific regions. Increasingly negative values indicate progressively more specific suburbs.
Public propertyRegions
The list of regions for this suggestion, with the most specific region (eg suburb or city) first. See Regions.
Public propertyResultType
Indicates whether the suggestion is a region address. If this is false, the suggestion will be a street address.
Public propertyStreetNumber
The street number of the suggestion. Set to InvalidStreetNumber if the suggestion does not have a street number.
Public propertyStreetNumberFull
The street number of the suggestion, e.g. 20, 5b or 10-12.
Public propertySubregions
The list of subregions for this suggestion (eg, suburbs within a city). See SubRegions.
Public propertySuffix
Returns a string containing all elements of the address other than the first line, which can be accessed via Name. For street address result, this will return all region names, while for a region result, this will return all region names other than the most specific region. The string will be prefixed by a comma, and components will be comma separated. The suffix does not consider the locale of the address; if you want a formatted address that reflects the current locale, use AddressFormatter in conjunction with Address, or use ToString.
Public propertyUnits
The unit identifiers of the suggestion. E.g. "Floor 2, Building 3". Gets the unit types and corresponding units as AddressUnit objects.
Public fieldStatic memberInvalidStreetNumber
An invalid street number. For comparison with StreetNumber values.
Different properties of a suggestion object will be populated depending on whether it corresponds to a region or street address type. Region suggestions will always have a valid BoundingBox property and a valid Location property. Street suggestions may be street-name-only suggestions, which provide an arbitrary location within the street, or may be a full address suggestion, which provide a more accurate Location value along with full address details.
See Also