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LatLon Constructor

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Public methodCode exampleLatLon(LatLon)
Create a copy of a LatLon.
Public methodCode exampleLatLon(String)
Takes a string of form "latitude,longitude" and creates a LatLon object.
Public methodCode exampleLatLon(UInt64)
Initialize from 64bit integer. See AsInt64.
Public methodLatLon(XmlNode)

Construct a new LatLon from an XML node.

As of 4.3: Retrieving the 'Location' attribute if it is present.

Pre 4.3: Retrieving the old attributes "Lat" and "Lon".

Public methodLatLon(Double, Double)
Initialize from parameters.
Public methodLatLon(Double, Double, UInt32)
Initializes a LatLon object with a latitude, longitude, and z-level.
See Also