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RouteFlag Properties

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The RouteFlag type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAR_AUTO
Gets whether automobiles are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_BUS
Gets whether buses are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_CARPOOL
Gets whether carpooling vehicles are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_DELIV
Gets whether delivery vehicles are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_EMERVEH
Gets whether emergency vehicles are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_PEDEST
Gets whether pedestrians are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_TAXIS
Gets whether taxis are allowed on this link.
Public propertyAR_TRAFF
Gets whether through traffic is allowed on this link. Returns true if through traffic is allowed. Returns false for links that are internal to a parking lot; are on a military facility or privately maintained road and do not allow public thoroughfare; or are public streets with posted or legal restrictions such as "No Through Traffic" or "Residents Only".
Public propertyAR_TRUCK
Gets whether trucks are allowed on this link.
Public propertyBRIDGE
Gets whether this link is a bridge.
Public propertyCONTRACC
Gets whether this link is a controlled-access road. Typically, this flag is true for high-speed, high-volume roads with limited entries and exits.
Public propertyCountry
Gets the country.
Public propertyDIR_TRAVEL
Gets a char value representing the permitted direction(s) of travel on the link.
Public propertyDIVIDER
Gets a char value that represents the effect of the divider (if present) on turning.
Public propertyDIVIDERLEG
Gets whether the divider on this link is a legal divider. Returns true for legal dividers such as painted road lines. Returns false for physical barriers.
Public propertyEXITNUMBER
Gets whether the name of this link is an exit number (for example, as shown on a freeway exit sign).
Public propertyFERRY_TYPE
Gets a char value that indicates whether the link is part of a ferry route. For display purposes only.
Public propertyFRONTAGE
Gets whether this link is a frontage road.
Public propertyFULL_GEOM
Gets whether this link has a full geometry of the road network around it.
Public propertyCode exampleFUNC_CLASS
Gets an int value that represents the functional class of this link. Used to determine optimal routes.
Public propertyImpliedSpeedLimit
If the actual speed limit is not known, gets a speed limit estimate that is determined by additional flag data.
Public propertyINDESCRIB
Gets whether the intersection complexity requires substantial guidance information.
Public propertyINPROCDATA
Gets whether this link has full geometry, but has an incomplete attribute specification.
Public propertyINTERINTER
Gets whether this is an internal intersection link. Returns true if the link is present within an intersection to maintain its structure, rather than as a part of any of the converging streets.
Public propertyJUNCTIONNM
Gets whether the name of this link is applied to all ramps that make up a specific junction.
Public propertyLADDR_MIXED
Gets whether the link has mixed numbering on the left side.
Public propertyLANE_CAT
Gets a char value that represents the number of lanes in each direction along this link.
Public propertyMANEUVER
Gets whether this link represents a single driving maneuver (for example, "turn right").
Public propertyMANOEUVRE Obsolete.
Gets whether this link represents a single driving maneuver (for example, "turn right").
Public propertyMAXATTR
Gets whether the street has been encoded to include the maximum number of attributes for a link.
Public propertyMULTIDIGIT
Gets whether this link is one side of a multiply digitized street.
Public propertyPARITY
Gets the type of numbering this link uses.
Public propertyPAVED
Gets whether this link is paved.
Public propertyPOIACCESS
Gets whether this link is an access road to a Point Of Interest.
Public propertyPOSTED_SPEED Obsolete.
Gets whether the SPEED_LIM represents a posted speed limit or an estimate. This property is obsolete. Use SpeedLimitSource instead.
Public propertyPRIVATE
Gets whether this link is a private road.
Public propertyRADDR_MIXED
Gets whether the link has mixed numbering on the right side.
Public propertyRAMP
Gets whether this link is a ramp.
Public propertyROUNDABOUT
Gets whether link is part of a roundabout.
Public propertyROUTE_TYPE
Gets a char value that indicates whether this road is part of a larger route, where the road's name is actually a route number. The return value determines the type of the road. See remarks.
Public propertySPECTRFIG
Gets whether this link is an intersection with a special traffic figure. See remarks.
Public propertySPEED_CAT
Gets the speed classification of the link, based on its posted or legal speed.
Public propertySPEED_LIM
Gets the speed limit on the street in local units. Depending on the source of the data, the value returned is the posted speed limit or an estimate. We therefore recommend that you do not use SPEED_LIM for implementations requiring accurate speed limits. For a more accurate speed limit use GetVehicleSpeedLimit(StreetLink, SpeedUnit).
Public propertyCode exampleSPEED_UNITS
The units that the speed limit is presented in.
Public propertySpeedLimitSource
Gets the source of the speed limit data for this link.
Public propertyTOLLWAY
Gets whether this link is a tollway.
Public propertyTUNNEL
Gets whether this link is a tunnel.
Public propertyUNDEFTRAFF
Gets whether this link is an undefined traffic area. See remarks.
Public propertyURBAN
Gets whether this link is in a built-up urban area.
See Also