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PointFeature Properties

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The PointFeature type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumns
Every GIS object comprises a series of columns. This function returns the names of the columns for this GISObject.
(Inherited from GISObject.)
Public propertyFeatureType
Returns FeatureType.Point to indicate that this is a point feature.
(Overrides GISObjectFeatureType.)
Public propertyItem
The field of the specified column for this object.
(Inherited from GISObject.)
Public propertyName
If this is a GeoBase city feature, then this is the name of the city. For custom data, this is a value of the "name" column if it exists. The default name can be overridden by setting this property.
Public propertyPoint
A LatLon representing the location of this feature.
Public propertyWKT
Returns the WKT representation of the Geometry.
(Overrides GISObjectWKT.)
See Also