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TrafficRoutingRecalculateRouteTime Method (Directions, LatLon, DateTime)

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Recalculate (by accounting for traffic congestion) the time required to complete a given route (specified as Directions) starting at a given time and given that progress has already been made to a certain point.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase.Traffic
Assembly: (in Version:
public DateTime RecalculateRouteTime(
	Directions dir,
	LatLon curPos,
	DateTime startTime


Type: Telogis.GeoBase.RoutingDirections
The route to travel. Directions
Type: Telogis.GeoBaseLatLon
The location along the route at which the journey begins.
Type: SystemDateTime
The time at which the journey is to start. DateTime

Return Value

Type: DateTime
The calculated time at which the journey will end. The chronological length of the journey may be determined from the difference between the return value and the given startTime parameter.
See Also