CREATE LOOKUP Statement | ![]() |
The CREATE LOOKUP statement creates a lookup table based on a unique key. The lookup function may then be used to retrieve values from the table, using a specified key.
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To use the lookup table, refer to the lookup function |
CREATE LOOKUP ident ON value FROM filename [WHERE expr] INDEX BY id;
ident | The identifier given to this newly created lookup table |
value | The value within filename to index |
filename | The path to the shapefile containing the table |
expr | When the WHERE statement is used, expr is one or more logical expressions used to filter the selection rows in value |
id | A unique identifier used as the key in the lookup table |
This simple example creates a lookup on post (ZIP) codes using city as a key.
CREATE LOOKUP cityFromPostcode ON %city FROM "data\NewZealand" INDEX BY %postcode;
This would allow us to find a city given a post (ZIP) code:
$myPostCode = lookup("cityFromPostcode", "8052");
The following is a more complex example that creates a lookup table using the link_id as a key to find the z-levels for a link. The z-levels are returned in an array, where each element is the z-level for the corresponding point in the link. See the Tutorial: Using Lookup Tables with Alchemy for a detailed explanation.
CREATE LOOKUP zlevels ON array.set_at(COALESCE(LOOKUP("zlevels", %link_id),, %point_num - 1, %z_level) FROM "data\zlevels" WHERE %z_level != 0 INDEX BY %link_id;