Begin Streets Statement | ![]() |
The statements 'begin streets [linkwise]' and 'end streets' are placed around the render calls for streets.
Syntax | cam begin streets linkwise RENDER '[' filter ']', '['pen list ']' [, label [, arrow [, (shield | shieldmap)]]] RENDER '[' filter ']', pen [, label [, arrow [, (shield | shieldmap)]]] end streets |
Example | cam begin streets linkwise RENDER [super],[PEN<(0,0,0),5>,PEN<(200,200,200),3>],LABEL<!myfont:upcase>,null, SHIELD<num_only,!white_text,ICON<us_interstate>> end streets |
The 'begin streets' statement can optionally have a 'linkwise' parameter. This option ensures that the original street links are used in the map, rather than simplified versions of the street links.