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If Statement

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If Statement
IF <condition>
{ ELSE IF <condition>
  <statements/blocks> }
[ELSE />
IF %scale > 4000
  render [all],!black
ELSE IF %scale > 1000
  render [all],!blue

If statements are used to control which parts of the Chameleon script are executed. They can be used anywhere in the script to control assignment of variables and rendering of features. Conditions are either a single floating point value (where zero equals false, and any other value is true) or a conditional expression.

Conditional Expressions

Conditional expressions have the following syntax:

[NOT] float [ < | > | <= | >= | == | != ] float

There is also a special range operator:

float1 <= float2 < float3

This will evaluate to true if float2 is greater than or equal to float1, and less than float3. Any of the floats in a conditional can be either literals or constant values.