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Directions Properties

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The Directions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Returns the number of Directions.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Returns whether this collection is a fixed size. Always returns true.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets whether this collection is read-only or not. Always true.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Returns whether this collection is synchronized.
Public propertyItem
Gets the Direction for the specified index.
Public propertyMessagesBundle
Provides access to messages (for example strings and announcements) for a single culture.
Public propertyPoints
Gets an array of LatLons representing the entire driving route. These points may differ from the concatenation of the points on individual direction objects.
Public propertyRemote
Whether these directions were generated by a GeoStream server.
Public propertyRenderArrowColor
Sets the color of the route arrow.
Public propertyRenderArrowLength
The pixel length of the arrows that appear on the route. Set to zero to disable arrows.
Public propertyRenderArrowSpacing
The minimum distance between route arrows in pixels.
Public propertyRenderArrowWidth
The width of the arrow in pixels.
Public propertyRenderColor
Sets the Color to render the route in.
Public propertyRenderPen
The Pen normally used to render the route.
Public propertyRenderPenSmall
The Pen used to render the route when the map is zoomed out
Public propertyRequiredRendermodes
Gets the RenderMode required by this Directions.
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets the currently selected Direction. The current selection is the one that will be rendered on the map.
Public propertySelectedIndex
Gets or sets the current Direction by its index value in the list. See remarks.
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to this object. See SyncRoot.
Public propertyUnits
The UnitSystem that is to be used in these directions. The value is used by the read-only UnitsEffectiveValue. If Units is not set by the application, then UnitsEffectiveValue is taken from the global settings field Units. The global default is imperial yards.
Public propertyUnitsEffectiveValue
The UnitSystem used in these directions. If Units is not set in the application, then UnitsEffectiveValue is taken from the global settings field Units. The global default is imperial yards.
Public propertyViolations
Contains a list of all constraint violations in the directions.
See Also