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Navigator Events

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The Navigator type exposes the following members.

Public eventArrived
Fired when the navigator arrives at the destination.
Public eventGpsQuality
Fired whenever the GPS quality changes.
Public eventMovementListChanged
Fired whenever the movement list changes.
Public eventNewRoute
Fired after a new route has been set and the first direction is ready to be given.
Public eventOffCourse
Fired when the navigator is off-course after being on-course.
Public eventOnCourse
Fired when the navigator is on-course again after being off-course.
Public eventRouteCalculating
Fired when a new route is being calculated.
Public eventRouteChanged
Fired when the route has changed, with or without intervention by the user.
Public eventRouteFailed
Fired when the navigator fails to find a route.
Public eventUpdate
An event handler fired when the position of this Navigator is updated. The object passed to the delegate is of type Telogis.GeoBase.Navigation.Navigator.
See Also