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LocationSearchSourceGetIgnoredTypesForMatchingSearches Method

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Specifies result types that will be excluded for search sources with a lower priority than this when the source returns any results. If it does not return results, searching of other sources will continue as normal. This should generally be used only when the presence of results from this source implies that results from other sources are unlikely.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding
Assembly: (in Version:
public virtual LocationSearchResultType GetIgnoredTypesForMatchingSearches(
	LocationSearchBaseArgs args


Type: Telogis.GeoBase.GeocodingLocationSearchBaseArgs
The location search arguments.

Return Value

Type: LocationSearchResultType
A mask of result types specifying restrictions on lower priority sources.

Defaults to None, indicating that no restrictions should be placed on lower priority search sources.

Use All to prevent any searching by lower priority search sources.

Set to a specific result type or combination of result types if no sources should find further results of those types. Alternatively, set use the exclusive or (^) operator in combination with All so that only results of the specified types are searched after this.

See Also