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PolygonFence Properties

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The PolygonFence type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingBox
Gets the minimum BoundingBox for this GeoFence.
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of points that describe this GeoFence.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets whether the PolygonFence is a fixed size. Always returns false.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets whether the PolygonFence is read-only. Always returns false.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
If true, then this array is synchronized (thread-safe).
Public propertyItem
Enables the PolygonFence to be treated as an array of LatLons.
Public propertyPoints
Gets the LatLon points that make up this GeoFence.
Public propertyRenderBrush
Brush used to fill the internal area of this GeoFence, use null for no fill.
Public propertyRenderPen
Pen used to draw the border around the GeoFence, use null for no border.
Public propertyRequiredRendermodes
Gets the RenderMode required by this PolygonFence.
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets the SyncRoot to allow synchronized access to the array of points.
See Also