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Console Namespace

Manages a diagnostic console for displaying messages about program execution and flow throughout the lifetime of the application.

error (String text)

Outputs a line of text to the console, prefixed by some standard warning flag defined by Console.ERROR_PREFIX.

  • text (String) - The details of the error to display.

getErrorCount ()

Finds the number of error messages that have been printed to the console in the current session.


Number - The error message count.

getWarningCount ()

Finds the number of warning messages that have been printed to the console in the current session.


Number - The warning message count.

off ()

Prevents the console from displaying output. This remains in effect until Console.redirect or Console.on is next called.

on ()

Restores the callback the console was being used with before it was turned off. See

redirect (Function newCallback)

Changes where the console's output is being directed.

  • newCallback (Function) - The function to call to display output. This should take a line of text as a parameter. If not supplied, output is redirected to the standard console.log.

resetErrorCount ()

Sets the error count back to zero.

resetWarningCount ()

Sets the warning count back to zero.

warn (String text)

Outputs a line of text to the console, prefixed by some standard warning flag defined by Console.WARNING_PREFIX.

  • text (String) - The details of the warning to display.

writeLine (String text)

Outputs a line of text to the console, followed by a newline.

  • (Optional) text (String) - The text to display. Defaults to ''.


The text to be prepended to the body of an error message.

Defaults to '** error: '.

The text to be prepended to the body of a warning message.

Defaults to '** warning: '.