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DataQuery Namespace

Contains RPC methods used to fetch miscellaneous GIS data from the GeoStream server.

queryPOI (BoundingBox bounds, Array poiTypeList, String searchString, Function callback, Function errorCallback, Object server)

Fetches a collection of points of interest (POI) in a specified rectangular region, optionally filtered by type and an additional search string.

// Create a BoundingBox in Los Angeles
var QueryBox = new Telogis.GeoBase.BoundingBox(
    new Telogis.GeoBase.LatLon(33.893487,-118.252747),
    new Telogis.GeoBase.LatLon(33.886426,-118.234481)

var list = '';
var myQuery = ''; // An empty string or null returns all POIs.
// Also accepts partial matches to POI names (not types), for example 'Airport' or 'Museum'.
// Or a full name, such as 'Acme Fish Market' or 'Tasty Cupcakes By Angelo'.

// Query every POI within the BoundingBox
Telogis.GeoBase.DataQuery.queryPOI(QueryBox, null, myQuery, function (result) {
    for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        var checkFood = result[i].getFoodType();
        if (checkFood == 'UNKNOWN'){
            checkFood = ' Unknown (this POI does not serve food, or the food available is unknown)';
        list +=  '' + result[i].getName() +
        ' at ' + result[i].getLocation() +
        ' is a POI of type ' +
        result[i].getType() + '\n' +
        ' -- POI summary with phone number: ' + result[i].toString() + '\n' +
        ' -- POI food type: ' + checkFood + '\n' ;
    } alert (list);
}, function (error) {alert(error)});

// To query within the BoundingBox using an array of POI types (not names), we
// could use something similar to the following:

// Create an array of POI types
var POI1 = 'Airport';
var POI2 = 'ATM';
var POI3 = 'Museum';
var POI4 = 'PetrolStation';
var PoiArray = [POI1, POI2, POI3, POI4];

// Use the array for our BoundingBox data query
Telogis.GeoBase.DataQuery.queryPOI(QueryBox, PoiArray, null, function (result) {
    for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        list +=  result[i].getName() + ' (' + result[i].getType() + ')\n';
    } alert (list);
}, function (error) {alert(error)});
  • bounds (BoundingBox) - The BoundingBox describing the region to request points of interest in.

  • (Optional) poiTypeList (Array) - An array of POIType codes, whose elements are the permissible types that the returned points of interest may have. If this is not provided, all types are allowed. Defaults to null.

  • (Optional) searchString (String) - A string to filter the results by. All returned POIs must contain this as a substring of their descriptions; if it is left empty, this filtering takes no effect. Defaults to ''.

  • callback (Function) - The arbitrary function to execute with the results of the request once a reply is received from the server. The results of the call are passed to this as arguments rather than being returned, since the request is asynchronous.

    • poi (Array) - The list of POIs that match the filtering behavior specified by DataQuery.queryPOI.poiTypeList and DataQuery.queryPOI.searchString.

  • (Optional) errorCallback (Function) - An arbitrary callback to execute if an error or timeout occurs when performing the query. Returns the error or timeout that occurred when performing the query. Defaults to null.

    • error (Telogis.Errors.GeoBaseError) - An exception describing the problem that was encountered.

  • server (Object) - An optional object that contains server.url (The address of the GeoStream server as a string) and server.authToken (The GeoStream authentication token to be used for requesting tiles) to be used for this request.