Telogis.GeoBase.POIType | ![]() |
An enumeration of the various valid type descriptions for points of interest. These can be used for filtering the results of DataQuery invocations.
Name | Type | Description |
Abbey | Number | Represents abbeys. |
AirlineAccess | Number | Represents airline accesses. |
Airport | Number | Represents airports. |
AmusementPark | Number | Represents amusement parks. |
AnimalPark | Number | Represents animal parks. |
ArtCenter | Number | Represents art centers. |
ATM | Number | Represents atms. |
AutoDealershipUsedCars | Number | Represents auto dealerships selling used cars. |
AutomobileClub | Number | Represents automobile clubs. |
Bank | Number | Represents banks. |
Bar | Number | Represents bars. |
BarorPub | Number | Represents bars or pubs. |
Beach | Number | Represents beaches. |
BoatLaunchingRamp | Number | Represents boat launching ramps. |
BookStore | Number | Represents book stores. |
BorderCrossing | Number | Represents points where country borders can be crossed. |
BovagGarage | Number | Represents BOVAG garages. BOVAG is a Dutch automobile association. |
BowlingCenter | Number | Represents bowling centers. |
BreakDownService | Number | Represents break down services. |
BritishRail | Number | Represents British Rail stations. |
Brunnel | Number | Represents brunnels. That is, a bridge, tunnel or combination of both where a transport element crosses above or below another transport element. |
BuildingFootprintPoint | Number | Represents building footprint points. |
Business | Number | Represents businesses. |
BusinessService | Number | Represents business services. |
BusStation | Number | Represents bus stations. |
CafePub | Number | Represents cafe pubs. |
Campground | Number | Represents camping grounds. |
CaravanSite | Number | Represents caravan sites. |
CarDealer | Number | Represents car dealerships. |
CargoCentre | Number | Represents cargo centers. |
CarRacetrack | Number | Represents car racetracks. |
CarRepair | Number | Represents car repair garages. |
CarShippingTerminal | Number | Represents car shipping terminals. |
Casino | Number | Represents casinos. |
Castle | Number | Represents castles. |
Cemetery | Number | Represents cemeteries. |
CentrePointofFeature | Number | Represents center points of features. |
Church | Number | Represents churches. |
Cinema | Number | Represents cinemas. |
CityCentre | Number | Represents city centers. |
CityHall | Number | Represents city halls. |
ClothingStore | Number | Represents clothing stores. |
ClubsAssociations | Number | Represents clubs and associations. |
CoachandLorryParking | Number | Represents coach and lorry parking. |
CoffeeShop | Number | Represents coffee shops. |
CommercialBuilding | Number | Represents commercial buildings. |
CommunityCenter | Number | Represents community centers. |
CommuterRailStation | Number | Represents commuter rail stations. |
Company | Number | Represents companies. |
ConcertHall | Number | Represents concert halls. |
Condominium | Number | Represents condominiums. |
ConsumerElectronicsStore | Number | Represents consumer electronics stores. |
ConvenienceStore | Number | Represents convenience stores. |
ConventionCenter | Number | Represents convention or exhibition centers. |
ConventionCentre | Number | Represents convention or exhibition centers. |
CountyCouncil | Number | Represents county councils. |
Court | Number | Represents courts. |
CourtHouse | Number | Represents court houses. |
CulturalCenter | Number | Represents cultural centers. |
Customs | Number | Represents customs facilities. |
Dentist | Number | Represents dentists. |
DepartmentStore | Number | Represents department stores. |
Doctor | Number | Represents doctors. |
DrivethroughBottleShop | Number | Represents drive-through bottle shops. |
Embassy | Number | Represents embassies. |
EmergencyCallStation | Number | Represents emergency call stations. |
EmergencyMedicalService | Number | Represents emergency medical services. |
Entertainment | Number | Represents entertainment centers. |
EntryPoint | Number | Represents entry points. |
FactoryGroundPhilips | Number | Represents factory ground philips. |
FerryTerminal | Number | Represents ferry terminals. |
FireAidPost | Number | Represents fire aid posts. |
FireBrigade | Number | Represents fire brigades. |
FireStation | Number | Represents fire stations. |
Fortress | Number | Represents fortresses. |
Freeport | Number | Represents freeports. |
FreewayExitAccess | Number | Represents freeway exit accesses. |
GeneralPOI | Number | Represents general POIs. |
GolfCourse | Number | Represents golf courses. |
GovernmentOffice | Number | Represents government offices. |
GovernmentOffices | Number | Represents government offices. |
GroceryStore | Number | Represents grocery stores. |
Hamlet | Number | Represents hamlets. |
HigherEducation | Number | Represents universities and polytechnics. |
HighwayExit | Number | Represents highway exits. |
Hippodrome | Number | Represents hippodromes. |
HolidayArea | Number | Represents holiday areas. |
HomeImprovementandHardwareStore | Number | Represents home improvement and hardware stores. |
HomeSpecialtyStore | Number | Represents home specialty stores. |
Hospitals | Number | Represents hospitals. |
HotelMotel | Number | Represents hotels and motels. |
IceSkatingRink | Number | Represents ice skating rinks. |
IndustrialArea | Number | Represents industrial areas. |
IndustrialBuilding | Number | Represents industrial buildings. |
IndustrialHarborArea | Number | Represents industrial harbor areas. |
IndustrialZone | Number | Represents industrial zones. |
Kindergarten | Number | Represents kindergartens. |
Laundry | Number | Represents laundries. |
LeisureCenter | Number | Represents leisure centers. |
Library | Number | Represents libraries. |
Lighthouse | Number | Represents lighthouses. |
LondonUnderground | Number | Represents London Underground subway (tube) stations. |
Marina | Number | Represents marinas. |
MedicalService | Number | Represents medical services. |
MilitaryBase | Number | Represents military bases. |
Monastery | Number | Represents monasteries. |
Monument | Number | Represents monuments. |
MotorcycleDealership | Number | Represents motorcycle dealerships. |
MountainPass | Number | Represents mountain passes. |
MoutainPeak | Number | Represents mountain peaks. |
Museum | Number | Represents museums. |
MusicCentre | Number | Represents music centers. |
NamedIntersection | Number | Represents named intersections. |
NamedPlace | Number | Represents named places. |
NationalCemetery | Number | Represents national cemeteries. |
NaturalReserve | Number | Represents natural reserves. |
Nightlife | Number | Represents significant nightlife attractions. |
OfficeSupplyServicesStore | Number | Represents office supply services stores. |
Opera | Number | Represents operas. |
OtherAccommodation | Number | Represents other accommodations. |
Park | Number | Represents public parks. |
ParkandRecreation | Number | Represents parks and recreation areas. |
ParkAndRide | Number | Represents park-and-ride locations. That is, parking locations attached to public transport facilities. |
ParkingGarage | Number | Represents parking garages. |
ParkingLot | Number | Represents parking lots. |
PerformingArts | Number | Represents locations significant to the performing arts. |
PetrolStation | Number | Represents petrol (gas) stations. |
Pharmacy | Number | Represents pharmacies and drug stores. |
Playground | Number | Represents playgrounds. |
PoliceStation | Number | Represents police stations. |
PostOffice | Number | Represents post offices. |
Prison | Number | Represents prisons. |
ProfessionalServices | Number | Represents professional services. |
PublicPhone | Number | Represents public phones. |
PublicRestroom | Number | Represents public restrooms. |
PublicSportAirport | Number | Represents non-commercial recreational airports. |
PublicTransportStop | Number | Represents public transport stops. |
RailwayNode | Number | Represents railway nodes. |
Rentacarparking | Number | Represents rental car parking locations. |
RentalCar | Number | Represents rental car services. |
RepairServices | Number | Represents repair services. |
Residential | Number | Represents residential locations. |
RestArea | Number | Represents rest areas. |
Restaurant | Number | Represents restaurants. |
RestaurantArea | Number | Represents restaurant areas. |
RetailOutlet | Number | Represents retail outlets. |
RoadNode | Number | Represents road nodes. |
RoadSideDiner | Number | Represents roadside diners. |
Rocks | Number | Represents rocks. |
ScenicPanoramaView | Number | Represents scenic or panoramic views. |
Schools | Number | Represents schools. |
Shop | Number | Represents shops. |
Shopping | Number | Represents significant shopping locations. |
SkatingRink | Number | Represents roller skating rinks. |
SkiLift | Number | Represents ski lifts. |
SkiResort | Number | Represents ski resorts. |
Specialty | Number | Represents specialty locations. |
SpecialtyStore | Number | Represents specialty stores. |
SportingGoods | Number | Represents sporting goods. |
SportingGoodsStore | Number | Represents sporting goods stores. |
SportsCenter | Number | Represents sports centers. |
SportsComplex | Number | Represents sports complexes. |
SportsHall | Number | Represents sports halls. |
Stadium | Number | Represents stadiums. |
StatePoliceOffice | Number | Represents state police offices. |
SwimmingPool | Number | Represents swimming pools. |
TennisCourt | Number | Represents tennis courts. |
ToiletPublicAmenities | Number | Represents toilets and public amenities. |
Toll | Number | Represents tolls. |
Tollbooth | Number | Represents tollbooths. |
TollPlaza | Number | Represents toll plazas. |
TouristAttraction | Number | Represents tourist attractions. |
TouristInformation | Number | Represents tourist information centers. |
TrafficControlCameraLocation | Number | Represents traffic control camera locations. |
TrafficLight | Number | Represents traffic lights. |
TrainingCentre | Number | Represents training centers. |
TrainStation | Number | Represents train stations. |
TransportCompany | Number | Represents transport companies. |
TransportService | Number | Represents transport services. |
TravelAgency | Number | Represents travel agencies. |
TruckDealer | Number | Represents truck dealers. |
TruckStop | Number | Represents truck stops. |
Unknown | Number | Represents POIs of unknown type. |
UsedCarDealer | Number | Represents used car dealers. |
VehicleEquipmentProvider | Number | Represents vehicle equipment providers. |
Veterinarian | Number | Represents veterinarians. |
WalkingArea | Number | Represents walking areas. |
Warehouse | Number | Represents warehouses. |
WaterCentreLineJunction | Number | Represents water center line junctions. |
WaterMill | Number | Represents water mills. |
WaterSport | Number | Represents water sports. |
WeighStation | Number | Represents weigh stations. |
Windmill | Number | Represents windmills. |
Winery | Number | Represents wineries. |
YachtBasin | Number | Represents yacht basins. |
Zoo | Number | Represents zoos. |