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SELECT Statement

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SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement imports custom data into a table. The custom data is then written into a GeoBase GBFS file for use with a GeoBase mapping application.

Tip Tip

An alternative to the SELECT statement is the IMPORT statement. The IMPORT statement allows for the correct identification of lines, points of interest, polygons and streets.

The use of the Alchemy SELECT statement is similar to that of the SQL SELECT statement.

SELECT Specifies the source column name. Note that wildcards ("SELECT *") are not valid
ASSpecifies the destination column name
INTOSpecifies the destination table name
FROMSpecifies the source table name
WHERESpecifies an optional condition for selecting data


SELECT src_col AS dest_col INTO dest_tbl FROM src_file [WHERE expression];
Note Note

It is possible to SELECT into the same table multiple times, provided that the column order, column names and data types are the same across statements.


src_col The name of column containing the data that is being selected
dest_col The output column name (in dest_tbl)
src_file The name of the source shapefile (containing src_col)
dest_tblThe name of the destination table in the GBFS file
expression When the WHERE statement is used, expression is one or more logical expressions used to filter the selection of rows from src_col


SELECT %forest_nam AS name INTO forest FROM "land2";