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IF-ELSE Statement

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IF-ELSE Statement

The IF-ELSE statement is a versatile way of creating execution branches within a function. It works in a similar way to the ternary operator, but can accept more complex input expressions.


IF condition_A
[ELSE IF condition_B


condition_X Some logic expression that can be evaluated to give a boolean result
do_X The code to execute if condition_X is true. If condition_X is true, do_X is executed and program flow jumps straight to the end of the IF block and any conditions after condition_X are not tested


The following example sets the $myRegion variable to the suburb, if the suburb exists. If the suburb does not exist then $myRegion is set to the city. If both the city and suburb can not be found, then $myRegion will be set to "Unknown".

IF lookup(my_suburbs, %id) != NULL
      $my_region = lookup(my_suburbs, %id);

ELSE IF lookup(my_cities, %id) != NULL
      $my_region = lookup(my_cities, %id);

      $my_region = "Unknown";