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Navigator Properties

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The Navigator type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress
Gets the GeoCodeFull of the navigator's last recorded location.
Public propertyAllowUTurns
When true the routing engine is permitted to instruct u-turns. When false the routing engine will instruct only the minimum number of u-turns possible. False by default.
Public propertyAutoRaiseEvents
Determines whether Events (e.g. RouteChanged) and Notifications triggered by an update to the Navigator's position should be raised automatically.
Public propertyCurrentNavigationEvent
Gets the pending NavigationEvent that the navigator will need to execute.
Public propertyDestination
Gets or sets the navigator's destination, as a RouteStop.
Public propertyDeviationGraceTime
Gets or sets the grace time (as a TimeSpan) for which to allow the navigator to deviate from the planned route.
Public propertyDirections
Gets the Directions for this navigator to the defined Destination.
Public propertyDisplayNameMode
Controls whether NavigationEvents include all the names for a TargetStreet or just the primary name.
Public propertyGps
Gets or sets the IGps interface.
Public propertyHeading
Gets the navigator's last recording heading, in degrees, snapped to the heading of the closest point on the street.
Public propertyIsOffCourse
Will return true if this navigator is off course.
Public propertyLocation
Gets the navigator's last recorded location, as a LatLon, snapped to the closest point on the route.
Public propertyMessagesBundle
The MessagesBundle used by this Navigator to generate strings.
Public propertyNextNavigationEvent
Gets the next NavigationEvent that the navigator will need to execute.
Public propertyPosition
Gets the navigator's last recorded position, as a Position, as it came from the Gps.
Public propertyRequiredRendermodes
Gets the RenderMode required by this Navigator
Public propertyRouteCalculator
Gets or sets the implementation of IRouteCalculator - the method this Navigator uses for calculating the route.
Public propertyRouteProgress
The progress of this Navigator's routing operation (when a routing operation is underway)
Public propertyStrategy
Gets or sets the navigator's routing strategy.
Public propertyTotalTimeRemaining
Gets the calculated total time remaining for the route currently being navigated.
Public propertyUnalignedDeviationGraceTime
Gets or sets the unaligned deviation grace time.
Public propertyVehicleSpec
Gets or sets the vehicle specifications for the navigator.
See Also