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TrafficSignalLocation Enumeration

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Location of traffic signals in relation to a streetlink.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase
Assembly: (in Version:
public enum TrafficSignalLocation
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 There is no traffic signal that can be reached by traveling to the end of this StreetLink, or there is no data about traffic signals for this StreeLink.
NonReference1 There is a traffic signal that can be reached by traveling to the nonreference end of this StreetLink. That is, traffic an move from the reference end to the nonreference end of the street link and encounter a traffic signal when reaching the nonreference end.
Reference2 There is a traffic signal that can be reached by traveling to the reference end of this StreetLink. That is, traffic an move from the nonreference end to the reference end of the street link and encounter a traffic signal when reaching the reference end.
Both3 There are traffic signals at both ends of this StreetLink (and traffic can move along this streetlink in either direction).
Traffic signals are only reported when the direction of travel is toward the signal. Thus, for example, if there are traffic signals on both ends of a street link that is part of a one-way street, the extra data for the street link will show only the signal at the end reached by the direction traffic is moving. See also TrafficSignal.
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