PoiType Enumeration | ![]() |
Namespace: Telogis.GeoBase
Member name | Value | Description | |
Unknown | 0 | An unknown type | |
Winery | 2084 | A winery | |
ATM | 3578 | An ATM (Automated Teller Machine) | |
TrainStation | 4013 | A train station | |
CommuterRailStation | 4100 | Commuter rail station, such as a metro station | |
BusStation | 4170 | A bus station | |
NamedPlace | 4444 | A named place of an unspecified type | |
FerryTerminal | 4482 | A ferry terminal | |
Marina | 4493 | A marina | |
PublicSportAirport | 4580 | A non-commercial airport / field | |
Airport | 4581 | An airport | |
Business | 5000 | A business facility | |
GroceryStore | 5400 | A grocery store | |
CarDealer | 5511 | A car dealership | |
UsedCarDealer | 5512 | A used car dealership | |
PetrolStation | 5540 | A petrol / gas station | |
MotorcycleDealership | 5571 | A motorcycle dealership | |
Restaurant | 5800 | A restaurant | |
Nightlife | 5913 | A location providing nighttime entertainment (such as a bar, club or lounge) | |
Monument | 5999 | An historical monument | |
Bank | 6000 | A bank | |
Shopping | 6512 | A shopping center | |
HotelMotel | 7011 | A hotel or motel | |
SkiResort | 7012 | A ski resort | |
SkiLift | 7014 | A ski lift | |
TouristInformation | 7389 | An information center | |
FireStation | 7392 | Fire Station | |
RentalCar | 7510 | A rental car agency | |
ParkingLot | 7520 | A parking lot | |
ParkingGarage | 7521 | A parking garage | |
ParkAndRide | 7522 | A Park & Ride facility | |
CarRepair | 7538 | A business providing car repairs | |
Cinema | 7832 | A cinema | |
RestArea | 7897 | A rest area | |
PerformingArts | 7929 | A performing arts center or event | |
BowlingCenter | 7933 | A bowling center | |
SportsComplex | 7940 | A sports complex (such as a stadium, courts or velodrome) | |
Park | 7947 | A park or recreation area | |
Casino | 7985 | A casino | |
ConventionCenter | 7990 | A convention or exhibition center | |
GolfCourse | 7992 | A golf course | |
CommunityCenter | 7994 | A community center | |
AmusementPark | 7996 | An amusement park | |
SportsCenter | 7997 | A sports center | |
IceSkatingRink | 7998 | An ice skating rink | |
TouristAttraction | 7999 | A tourist attraction of some description | |
Hospitals | 8060 | A hospital | |
HigherEducation | 8200 | A center for higher education (college, university etc) | |
Schools | 8211 | A school | |
Library | 8231 | A library | |
Museum | 8410 | A museum | |
AutomobileClub | 8699 | An automobile club | |
CityHall | 9121 | A building with city hall type functions | |
CourtHouse | 9211 | A court house | |
PoliceStation | 9221 | A police station | |
GovernmentOffices | 9525 | Government office | |
Bar | 9532 | A bar or pub | |
Specialty | 9567 | A specialty store | |
SportingGoods | 9568 | A sporting goods store | |
MedicalService | 9583 | A medical service | |
PublicRestroom | 9589 | A public restroom | |
Residential | 9590 | A residential area or building | |
Cemetery | 9591 | Cemetery | |
TransportService | 9593 | A Transport Service. | |
RepairServices | 9595 | A provider of repair services. | |
TrainingCentre | 9596 | A training center. | |
WeighStation | 9710 | A weigh station. | |
MilitaryBase | 9715 | A military base. | |
Tollbooth | 9717 | A toll booth. | |
AnimalPark | 9718 | An animal park. | |
NamedIntersection | 9730 | A named intersection. | |
Church | 9992 | Place of worship | |
BusinessService | 9994 | A facility providing services to businesses | |
BookStore | 9995 | A book store | |
CoffeeShop | 9996 | A coffee shop | |
Pharmacy | 9997 | A pharmacy / drug store | |
BorderCrossing | 9999 | A border crossing point | |
BritishRail | 10001 | A British Rail station | |
LondonUnderground | 10002 | A London Underground (tube) station | |
TruckStop | 20000 | A truck stop | |
TruckDealer | 20001 | A truck dealer | |
Toll | 20002 | A toll | |
Laundry | 20003 | A laundry | |
PostOffice | 20005 | A post office | |
EntryPoint | 20006 | Entry Point | |
CulturalCenter | 20007 | Cultural Center | |
FireAidPost | 20009 | Fire Aid Post | |
DepartmentStore | 20011 | Department Store | |
TravelAgency | 20012 | Travel Agency | |
PublicPhone | 20013 | Public Phone | |
Warehouse | 20014 | Warehouse | |
Zoo | 20015 | Zoo | |
ScenicPanoramaView | 20016 | A location with a beautiful or particular view | |
SwimmingPool | 20017 | Swimming Pool | |
TransportCompany | 20018 | Transport Company | |
CargoCentre | 20023 | Cargo Center | |
CarShippingTerminal | 20024 | Car Shipping Terminal | |
AirlineAccess | 20025 | Airline Access | |
Campground | 20026 | Campground | |
CaravanSite | 20027 | Caravan Site | |
CoachandLorryParking | 20028 | Bus and Truck Parking | |
Customs | 20029 | Customs | |
Embassy | 20030 | Embassy | |
GovernmentOffice | 20031 | Government Office | |
RoadSideDiner | 20032 | Road Side Diner | |
Stadium | 20033 | Stadium | |
TollPlaza | 20034 | Toll Plaza | |
CityCentre | 20035 | City Center | |
Kindergarten | 20036 | Kindergarten | |
EmergencyCallStation | 20037 | Emergency Call Station | |
EmergencyMedicalService | 20038 | Emergency Medical Service | |
FireBrigade | 20039 | Fire Brigade | |
Freeport | 20040 | Freeport | |
Brunnel | 20042 | Brunnel. A bridge, tunnel or combination of both where a transport element crosses above or below another transport element | |
CentrePointofFeature | 20043 | Center Point of Feature | |
FreewayExitAccess | 20044 | Freeway Exit/Access | |
RoadNode | 20045 | Road Node | |
WaterCentreLineJunction | 20046 | Water Center Line Junction | |
RailwayNode | 20047 | Railway Node | |
Company | 20048 | Company | |
Hippodrome | 20051 | Hippodrome, a stadium for horse shows or races | |
Beach | 20052 | Beach | |
DrivethroughBottleShop | 20053 | Drive-through Bottle Shop | |
RestaurantArea | 20054 | Restaurant Area | |
Shop | 20056 | Shop, but not a shopping center | |
ParkandRecreation | 20057 | Park and Recreation | |
Court | 20058 | Court | |
MoutainPeak | 20059 | Mountain Peak | |
Opera | 20060 | Opera | |
ConcertHall | 20061 | Concert Hall | |
BovagGarage | 20062 | BOVAG garage. BOVAG is a Dutch automobile association | |
TennisCourt | 20063 | Tennis Court | |
SkatingRink | 20064 | Skating Rink | |
WaterSport | 20065 | Water Sport | |
MusicCentre | 20066 | Music Center | |
Doctor | 20067 | Doctor | |
Dentist | 20068 | Dentist | |
Veterinarian | 20069 | Veterinarian | |
CafePub | 20070 | Cafe/Pub | |
ConventionCentre | 20071 | Convention Center | |
LeisureCenter | 20072 | Leisure Center | |
YachtBasin | 20074 | Yacht Basin, or marina. | |
Condominium | 20075 | Condominium | |
CommercialBuilding | 20076 | Commercial Building | |
IndustrialBuilding | 20077 | Industrial Building | |
GeneralPOI | 20079 | General POI | |
BreakDownService | 20080 | Break Down Service | |
VehicleEquipmentProvider | 20081 | Vehicle Equipment Provider | |
IndustrialArea | 20082 | Industrial Area | |
IndustrialHarborArea | 20083 | Industrial Harbor Area | |
Entertainment | 20084 | Entertainment | |
Abbey | 20085 | Abbey | |
ArtCenter | 20087 | Art Center | |
BuildingFootprintPoint | 20088 | Building Footprint (Point) | |
Castle | 20089 | Castle | |
FactoryGroundPhilips | 20092 | Factory Ground Philips | |
Fortress | 20093 | Fortress | |
HolidayArea | 20096 | Holiday Area | |
Lighthouse | 20098 | Lighthouse | |
NationalCemetery | 20099 | National Cemetery | |
Monastery | 20100 | Monastery | |
NaturalReserve | 20102 | Natural Reserve | |
Prison | 20103 | Prison | |
Rocks | 20105 | Rocks | |
SportsHall | 20106 | Sports Hall | |
StatePoliceOffice | 20107 | State Police Office | |
WalkingArea | 20108 | Walking Area | |
WaterMill | 20109 | Water Mill | |
Windmill | 20110 | Windmill | |
Rentacarparking | 20112 | Rent-a-car parking | |
CarRacetrack | 20113 | Car Racetrack | |
ToiletPublicAmenities | 20114 | Toilet/Public Amenities | |
TrafficControlCameraLocation | 20115 | Traffic Control Camera Location | |
BoatLaunchingRamp | 20116 | Boat Launching Ramp | |
MountainPass | 20117 | Mountain Pass | |
Playground | 20118 | Playground | |
ClubsAssociations | 20119 | Clubs & Associations | |
ProfessionalServices | 20120 | Professional Services | |
RetailOutlet | 20121 | Retail Outlet | |
TrafficLight | 20122 | Traffic Light | |
PublicTransportStop | 20123 | Public Transport Stop | |
AutoDealershipUsedCars | 20124 | Auto Dealership Used Cars | |
BarorPub | 20125 | Bar or Pub | |
ClothingStore | 20126 | Clothing Store | |
ConsumerElectronicsStore | 20127 | Consumer Electronics Store | |
ConvenienceStore | 20128 | Convenience Store | |
Hamlet | 20129 | Hamlet | |
HighwayExit | 20130 | Highway Exit | |
HomeImprovementandHardwareStore | 20131 | Home Improvement and Hardware Store | |
HomeSpecialtyStore | 20132 | Home Specialty Store | |
IndustrialZone | 20133 | Industrial Zone | |
OfficeSupplyServicesStore | 20135 | Office Supply & Services Store | |
OtherAccommodation | 20136 | Other Accommodation | |
SpecialtyStore | 20137 | Specialty Store | |
SportingGoodsStore | 20138 | Sporting Goods Store | |
CountyCouncil | 20139 | County Council buildings. |
Related articles: Map Concept.